Thursday, December 11, 2008

a strange sight

i was just at the mall, going to tops to buy groceries (ahh globalization!), and i saw a strange sight. on a field right by the mall parking garage, behind this amazing hand made 'merry xmas happy new year' sign (it is pretty sweet, i need to take a picture) i saw a herd of dogs. this is not unusual (there are barking mutts everywhere), but the thing was that this herd of dogs consisted of 8 golden retrievers who appeared well groomed and were wearing leashes! there was even a guy with them who was herding/babysitting/training them.

to see a clean dog here is a rare sight, to see a dog on a leash is a rarer sight, but to see 8 purebred dogs together is unheard of!

unfortunately, i did not have my camera.

i have seen an overabundance of mutts in tshirts lately. i guess it is winter after all and they have to keep warm! so weird. there also appears to be a trend that involves carrying around your tiny, dirty toy dog to the market dressed in a weird shirt with bows in its hair!

i did see the tiniest puppy of all time the other day and it was quite cute and clean...and not wearing any weird clothes.

i think i'll stick to the very small lizard that has been hanging out in our room.

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