Sunday, December 14, 2008

merry christmas

merry christmas! in order to feel more festive, we have been making paper snowflakes to feel more...cold! haha. it is funny to be decorating in warm weather. here is a giant 3d paper snowflake that i made (thanks for the link Lee!)

and drum is our "christmas tree!" we have been meaning to buy some plants, so the fact that we needed a christmas tree seemed like a good excuse. we got a spider plant that had 2 babies on it for about 30 cents and then we also got this 2 foot tree with lots of purple flowers, which cost about $1.25. it has little twiggy branches, so we made snowflakes for ornaments.

it was truly a thai adventure though, because we had the tree and the spider plant in the basket of the moped, bungee-d down, with a plastic bag protecting the leaves of the tree. i also had to hold all the terra cotta pots in my lap.

the tree is sitting on our new yellow bookshelf, which we magically brought home on the moped too! it is about 3 feet tall and one foot wide. luke sat up on the very front of the bike seat and i was all the way to the back with the shelf lengthwise on my lap. we are a well balanced thai pickup truck!

(please note, luke's awesome coffee maker invention is next to the tree, he will gladly explain it to you if you are interested. it's quite clever.)


Jenni Renee said...

So I decided to follow the link and I was excited to see what the christmas plant actually looked like! lol. It is amazing how even though we havent met, we all have the same last name and the same artistic gift. Almost everyone in my family here is artistic in some did you make those amazing snowflakes though? They are like 3D.
Have a wonderful Christmas if I dont get the chance to stop back again.
- Jenni Renee Loesel

Lee said...

Your snowflake came out wonderfully!! How big is it? I haven't made any yet, but I have the directions at home, ready to go. I thought Christa and Jenny might like to have a project together this weekend. I'm glad it worked out.

You are getting to be true Thai masters of balancing things on the scooter!! You'll need to get one when you come back home!! :)

Unknown said...

Yay for Christmas plants! :) I like the snowflake too!