Tuesday, December 2, 2008

smiling sky

last night on our way to dinner, we saw a smile in the sky. the moon was a skinny little crescent and above it were two bright 'stars' (at least that is what we thought they were at the time.)

it turns out that we saw jupiter and venus as the eyes with the moon mouth! how cool. and according to bbc news photo submissions, over here in our slice of the world we had the best view! some of the other smiling faces looked a little wonky. this photo below was taken last night in bangkok.



Lee said...

This is very cool. We had a great view, too, but then it clouded over. The interesting thing is that for us, it was a to about 4:00 from the angle you have pictured here. It didn't look like a smiley face.

I got the camera and tripod out but by the time I went outside, it had disappeared behind clouds.

We're all under the same big sky - did you ever see that movie - An American Tail?

Love ya - does it look like Chris will get home?

Lee said...

Please note that the line that says "it was a to about..." should say "it was at about..." so turn the whole picture clockwise about 1/3 of the way around.

Unknown said...

hey there!

im coming to Chiang Mai next month and would love to email you some personal questions as Im working on a story about the town and it seems like you would be a great person to interview. Sadly, I can't figure out how to email you from this site.
Is there a way?


hello, it's katie! said...

hi jami

i couldn't find you through blogger (i think your site was private), so hopefully you will get this.

my email is kt.loesel@gmail.com

hope to hear from you!