Saturday, November 29, 2008

thaiglish and neighborhood cows

thaiglish (pronounced ting-glish) refers to the amazing translations you see around of thai to english. with no standardized method of translating the sanskrit letters, it can be quite fun! some of these mistakes even appear on really professional looking banners and neon signs! it is amazing that no one catches these things.

this one is a little different though - hand painted. it is my favorite neighborhood sign. this is where you go to do your laundry in the washing machines.....but here they just mash it for you, perhaps like potatoes?

(if you can see behind it, next door is the love code studio. not quite sure, but i think it is a printing place, probably where they make misspelled signs. curious name.)

here is another neighborhood favorite of mine. these are what i like to call the city cows. these cow-like creature can be seen next to a rather busy road grazing in a field! right next to the mall and apartment buildings. they even have a farmer guy in one of the sloped straw hats that takes care of them. urban sprawl can't stop them! they also recently erected a giant billboard size shrine to the king in the middle of their field.

1 comment:

Penne said...

One of my favorite of those thailish words is teksi for taxi - actually a very good phonetic spelling. Here in South Africa I have the problem that I pronounce English words the American way like Basil with a long a versus with the short a