Friday, September 19, 2008

sensory overload

so bangkok is a big city - a really big city! and so far we have navigated well. this morning we got a very early start at 6 am, but that is what 29 hours of travel will do to your sleep schedule...
for breakfast we had rice porridge with squid and boiled eggs - the thai way to start a day! luke called our work contact mike about meeting us, and he recommended a stop in the sky train that we explored. so we successfully navigated our way to SIM cards for our cell phones, a mall with AC to escape the rain and mugginess, skytrain tickets (public transport systems - at least trains - are pretty universal), an outdoor photo exhibit, and found a map in the mall bookstore. on our quest for lunch we found a crazy outdoor market. the place is packed shoulder to shoulder with vendors selling all types of wares - esp clothes and food - for very cheap. jeans were about $5US. i am trying to refrain from buying anything until we get to chiang mai so that i don't have to carry it!
after lunch we went to the tallest building in thailand - an 84 story hotel with a revolving lookout tower. for $6US you can go to the top and get a free drink at the 83rd story cafe. the view is crazy - this is where i became really amazed at how HUGE this city really is. tons and tons of skyscrapers and rooftop pools and trees and mungy gross rooftops too. the taxis are pink or yellow and green. it rained a little bit today, but not too bad until right now, which doesn't matter because we are at the hostel.
so i may be rambling, but afterall this is sensory overload! so after the super tall building we met up with mike at his office and he gave us a bit of a low down, gave us suggestions, answers to questions, set the record straight, etc. very cool and very helpful and AC which was much needed! so after that we went on a search for massages per his recommendations....and what a massage it was! traditional thai massage is more of a workout for both parties than anything else. we went to this spa place, had our feet washed, went up into a curtained area with a personal bed and changed into pjs. then this really strong lady came and wailed on me. legs, feet, back neck - she even massaged with her elbows and feet and all her might and cracked me a few times too. holy smokes, it tickled, hurt and was amazing and only $7US for an hour!
then we took the train back to our hostel to eat and chill out. the funniest thing happened. luke ordered pad thai, and the guy asked something we did not understand. we finally figured he said 'with bananas?" and were confused but said yes. then he brought our 2 pancakes with bananas for lukes dinner!!!! we were in hysterics! pancakes instead of pad thai! the guy laughed it off though, luke ate the pancakes cause he was starving and re-ordered pad thai as seconds! ahhh language barriers....i impressed several people today even with my very little thai. it pays to study up a bit.
pics will be posted soon once i get a couple days worth.
no more elephants but i did see about 5 stray dogs and one rat! and no tummy aches yet.


Lee said...

Hi Katie (and Luke),
This sounds wonderful - in every way. The massage - ahh... I could use that right now. For that little, you may be able to do it frequently.
Pancakes for dinner, huh? At least you're trying with language. Do most people also speak English?
Keep up the postings - this is great!

Auntie A said...

I am thinking Pancakes and bananas sounds much yummier than squid and rice and eggs... Grandma and I both said... YUCK... what is the pad thai he should have gotten? Wait until the rat is riding the Elephant!!! Can't wait to see pictures. Keep on blogging!

Lots of Love,
Aunt Amy

Diane said...

Hi Katie
Sorry I missed seeing you prior to leaving on your trip. so far it sounds like everything is going really good for you. The pancakes and bananas sound wonderful. It is really great to hear all about your adventure. Take care, enjoy yourself and be careful.
Love ya

Uncle Gib said...

Hi Ho Katie and Luke,
I am trying to learn how to "blog", so all I can say for the moment is "welcome" and Luke your tummy would feel better if you did not try "snake guts"..

Auntie A said...

Ut oh watch out world... Uncle Gib learning to BLOG!!