Monday, September 22, 2008

modes of transportation

as of the past couple days we have experienced a few new forms of bangkok transport, with different degrees of death defying stunts. i have read that the lack of traffic laws is directly proportional to the degree of spirituality and belief in karma. thai's are not afraid of much because they believe very much in fate and when it is there time to go they will go. so it is with that attitude that they drive. especially the motorbike drivers. at traffic lights they all cut up to the front in a swarm. their lanes consist of the dotted lines and anywhere they can squeeze. there are also motorbike taxis, where girls on cell phones ride on the back side saddle at high speeds! it is like a video game to watch the traffic here. we got to witness this all firsthand from inside a taxi today. the older drivers are nicer and more experienced at this bangkok road video game.

another mode of transport is the river taxi. the river is a lovely shade of brown goo, but the view is very scenic. if you sit near the front you have to be sure to close your mouth, because you never know when you might hit some wake! today i actually saw a man in one of the shanty town stilt houses along the river scooping up water with a bowl and bathing himself! there is a lot of poverty here, but i was semi-prepared to for that. the stacks of houses piled on top of one another with clothes lines and shutters and plants all jumbled together are actually kind of beautiful.

a couple days ago (i seem to be losing track of time since we are doing so much!) we discovered a park (there are not many here in BKK) thanks to the help of Nick, a contact through VT networking. there is a big pond in the park that had 4 foot long lizard dragons! so cool! there was also a path where so many people were running - and all in the same direction. also saw some outdoor aerobics! then at 6 om the megaphone went off and played a song. suddenly everyone stopped in their tracks and stood up. it was a salute to the king! thai's love their king and very patriotic and love to wear yellow - the color of the king.

amongst other exploring we have also seen the grand palace, king rama IV's teak mansion, and the temple of the dawn - in a monk village, a huge temple made of mosaic broken pottery!

some tidbits:
long ears and turtles = long life.
there are these cute little wreaths of flowers strung together everywhere for offerings to spirit houses and buddhas.
thai's always drink out of bottles with straws.

1 comment:

Auntie A said...

Love the posts Katie..and the pictures are great! It is almost like being there!

Lots of Love