Thursday, September 18, 2008

we are here!

so over 24 hours of airports and planes isn't as bad as i imagined. i am alive enough to type this! although i am going straight to bed after...
no glitches on the flights, all bags made it safely and we have a bed! it is raining, we did not have to fear for our lives on the taxi - and he didn't even try to rip us off!
and the coolest part...we have been here for an hour and i already saw an elephant roaming the street at night in the rain!
more later....


Auntie A said...

So glad to hear the trip went well and you are safe and sound! Get lots of rest... Did you get a picture of the Elephant??? How cool!

Lots of Love,
Aunt Amy

Lee said...

Yippee! I'm so happy that the flights went well - better than expected. Did you sleep?

An elephant in the streets, too? What fun! Was he loose and wandering, or with someone?

Can't wait to hear more, but sleep and orientation are first.

Lots of love,