Wednesday, February 4, 2009


as a vacation from our stressful life in chiang mai (haha, yea right), we will be going to bangkok tomorrow. the reason being we have visitors! bill (luke's roomate from college) and charlotte are flying from VT to visit for 10 days or so. we will be in bangkok, the beach 3 hours south of bangkok, and then up to chiang mai. i am so excited to make a sand castle and drink a fancy drink on the beach! hooray! pictures and blogs in a week or so.


Jenni Renee said...

have fun!!!

Lee said...

Hi Katie,
I'm sure you will be back in Chaing Mai before you read this, but I am really, really happy that Bill and Charlotte have made this trip to visit you. I'm sure it will be (has been) lots of fun being together and showing them around.

And a good time was had by all.....