Friday, January 30, 2009


so i got a haircut in thailand! yay! i really needed one, and after a few days of debating if i wanted to go super short - i did! i printed a photo out from the internet and went to this swanky salon in our neighborhood. for $6 i got my hair washed with 4 different concoctions and 4 head massages, cut and styled! and the lady called my beautiful (in thai) and sexy lady (in english). pretty sweet deal.

in other news cam is here! ally's older brother is on a monumental tour of asia, and he has made his way to chiang mai. since october (i think) he has been to japan, korea, malaysia, and southern thailand - starting at the beach and working his way up here. today we took him to the waterfall. he will be here for at least a few more days. then it is off to laos, vietnam, and cambodia.

some life goals:
be really good at yoga
learn to tap dance
grow vegetables and lots of garlic
own a sweet sailboat (duh!)


Auntie A said...

So cute!

Ann said...

I love the hair cut! It's very becoming on you. You are so pretty!

KAT! said...

your hair looks great! i think you're one of those people who can pull of just about any style.

PS. this is kat ;D