Saturday, October 18, 2008

moonlighting as a preschool tutor

so yesterday i got a call from a japanese woman who saw the flyer for english help. she has 2 daughters, 4 and almost 2, and she wants me to teach the 4 year old english! we chatted on the phone, and after a little confusion i figured out where they live. so this morning i set out on my bike to meet them at their apartment, which is in a really tall, really nice condo building on the river. it was a 20 minute bike ride. i got their early (with enough time to stop sweating) and hung out under a tree for a few minutes. then i went in and called her via the receptionist, like she said to do. i was nervous, but it all went surprisingly smooth! the girls are so adorable! the little one was romping around in her bathing suit, and the 4 year old named 'U' greeted me at the door. they gave me some juice and we chatted. basically they want me to come to their house once a week and work on conversations with the 4 year old! she is going to kindergarten at an international school and they want her to be able to talk to her classmates! so i will go over on monday for an hour and have preschool chat with this super cute japanese girl. she has an american preschool teacher, so she can say 'my name is' and the days of the week, and she said 'see you next monday!'. these are all good things, because that means i am not starting completely from scratch! they are living here until march, which is pretty much our schedule too! the father has a job here for 1 year.

in other news i rode on the motorbike yesterday. so much for easing into it and practicing around campus. luke got to practice driving but i did not get to practice being the scared passenger. my first trip on it was across town! we got a little lost but i got comfortable enough to hold the map in one hand and luke with the other, as opposed to the death grip i was using before! i might be willing to get on it again....
we rode it to this really cool restaurant on the river. there is some very cool stuff over there. we discovered the foot bridge across the river which was cool because you can see all the lights on both sides of the river.

1 comment:

Auntie A said...

Are they teaching you Japanese?