Monday, October 20, 2008

it's raining it's pouring

at the moment it is raining cats and dogs. luke is working this afternoon, and i was just hanging out in our room taking a siesta, until i have to go teach my little japanese student. then it started going crazy outside. at first i actually thought it might be hailing, because the drops were so big and so loud bouncing off the metal rooftops in our neighborhood. the big kind of drops that can knock a bird right out of the sky! it has been raining gallons for a solid 20 minutes. this is the kind of rain that makes you want to build an ark.

the following is a video i took the other night when we were exploring new restaurants by the river and checking out the night market. we actually found a bench on this corner so we decided to sit down for a minute. there was this big open cobblestone area in front of us, that looks as if it might house its own market on certain days. then out of no where these two go karts come ripping over and went around and around and around chasing each other right in front of us! it was so random. a couple different perople took turns driving them. luke really wanted to, and he went over to take a look when they were parked and abandoned. no one came over when he was looking. then the owners came back, went around a few more times and disappeared as fast as they had come! thailand shenanigans.

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