Tuesday, October 21, 2008

how to ride like a thai

a motorbike may be small, but in thailand it can carry as many people and cargo as a small bus. luke and i demonstrated our skills and acclimation into thai culture by purchasing a couple of mattress pads the other day. (we also had to purchase some bungee cords!)


Lee said...

This picture has become a favorite among my friends and co-workers. The obvious question, of course, is, "How can he see where he's going?" I think the answer might be...he can't!

Katie, are you sure your parents should see this one?! (Sorry Doug & Jodi! ;~)

Love ya'll!

hello, it's katie! said...

don't worry he could see! the angle of the picture makes it look like a mountain, but it was just for dramatic effect.

Ally Soltesz said...

You shouldn't worry too much about riding that moped, Luke is a good madman driver. You'll be riding in moped motocross in no time!