Wednesday, September 10, 2008

it's almost time!

it is hard to comprehend that it is almost time for our flight. i feel like until right now i have barely had time to even think about it! this summer has been so busy - in good ways, sucking in all the beauty of vermont summer, but especially so in the past few weeks.

luke and i have left our first apartment together. packing was well paced except for the last week - packing the 'lasties' is so difficult and i find packing depressing in general. it was hard to be excited during that time. then we spent a couple days at his dad's house, a couple days at his mom's, and a couple days in southern vermont. luke's brother is now married, and the weekend was also a good time for us to visit and have fun (dancing!) with everyone once more before our adventure. it was sad to say goodbye to vermont (at least for now), and weird to think that we don't 'live' there anymore....although all our stuff lives there!

so now i just need to prepare myself for this long plane ride, since i am not the best at sitting still. and then we will actually be there! i feel like there is no way i can mentally prepare for that and i am trying to not even picture what it will be like because i know it is beyond my wildest dreams! there has been some unrest in bangkok as of late, but it seems like it will settle down by the end of this week (hopefully), as they are choosing a new PM on friday. we shall see! everything is exciting and nerve racking and there is a flock of butterflies in my belly.

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