Sunday, December 28, 2008

rest in peace grandma

early in the morning on december 23, grandma marie passed away in her sleep. after a long battle with lung cancer and lots of medicines and oxygen, she is finally in a better place. i feel bad that i cannot be at home right now, but i am thinking about everyone, especially mom and grandpa. i think it will be quite a relief once everything is said and done. the last couple weeks were especially hard because grandma was so out of it and couldn't talk or barely eat. the funeral was on the 26th, and was apparently quite nice. lots of people were there and a procession of about 25 cars went to the church. i will miss you grandma!

in other sad news, luke called me this morning because our motorbike was stolen! it happened in the parking lot at work, so one of our thai co-workers was able to call the police right away, but who knows if they can do anything. hopefully they will be able to get another with insurance or something. we shall see. i don't know any details right now. quite a bummer though.


Penne said...

Katie, our sympathies go out to you on the loss of your grandma - I know how much loved her. Penne

Jenni Renee said...

I am sorry to hear about your grandma but She is definately in a better place. I am glad you hear that you guys still made the best of the holiday. Im praying for all of you!