Monday, November 10, 2008

fireworks galore

loy krathong festival = everyone setting off really, really loud intense fireworks at all hours of the day (including 10 am), causing all the neighborhood dogs freak out for at least 5 minutes after the blast. (including this big beefy boxer/pitbull-like dog that is always roaming near our building and is really loud anyway, minus the fireworks.)


Lee said...

Katie, I've really enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your pictures from the lantern festival. The energy and enthusiasm are contagious, even half a world away!! Your smile is as big as the moon!

By the way, was it the full moon? It's not full here until tomorrow night. ???

Love you,

hello, it's katie! said...

the 12th is the official full moon, but this crazy festival has been going on from the 8th to the 13th, with more fireworks each hour!